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Have You ever Had a Birthday Party for 800+ Kids???

AIM partners with an organization called Children’s Hope Chest (CHC) in our ministry to over 800 orphaned and vulnerable children in Swaziland. CHC links churches in the USA to financially sponsor the ministry at Pastor Walter’s 8 Neighborhood Care Points. 1 Church sponsors the food, medical care, and discipleship teaching at 1 Orphan Care Point. Without the 8 church’s and CHC’s help we could not do some the amazing things we get to do! Feel free to check CHC out at their website:

CHC wants each child’s birthday celebrated. It is a huge task, but I think it is such a great thing. We want each orphaned child to know that their birthday is important because they are important. We want the orphans to know that they are loved by us but even more so by their Father in heaven.

CHC’s official sponsorship didn’t begin until half way through 2007. Even though we missed half of the year with the official program, we still wanted to celebrate each orphan’s birthday for 2007. So, in November we started the task of throwing a birthday party at all 8 care points. 8 huge birthday extravaganzas for 800 + children.

Their party first starts with us running a jumping castle. Many have never seen or been on a jumping castle so it is a real treat for them. It is so amazing to see the children’s excitement; they are so pumped! They are laughing so much, and have lots of fun. I realize that for a moment many of their troubles are put aside. They get to be kids, and experience some joy, which is so often absent due to the circumstances and losses in their lives. I wish that moment of the party could just go on forever for them.

After some serious time bouncin’ in the castle we call all the kids together. I share the word of God with them – we read some of Psalm 139 which says that God made them in their mother’s womb, and that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. I tell them that we are here today to celebrate them, that they are so precious to us, and to their Babe Wethu (Abba Father). Each child is then individually given a couple gifts along with some sweets. We then bring out some birthday cakes, light some candles, and sing “happy birthday.” Each child then gets to chow down on some birthday cake. We then turn the jumping castle back on for more fun.

We have thrown 7 parties so far, with the 8th and final one probably happening sometime this week. It has been a huge undertaking. A lot of prep work went into this one. About 15 of us made hundreds and hundreds of gift bags and bags of candy for each child. It is also a lot of work to run the party; to keep some sense of order during the festivities. At the end of the day our team is wiped out. But it is so worth it! We want these kids to know that they are valued. The day God brought them into the world is special, and we are thankful to God for them. But more so we want them to know that even though many have been abandoned or they have lost their parents to AIDS God has not left them. He loves them so much and has a plan for their lives. He wants these children to know him and his love so deeply, and share that love with the world.

 Next year the birthday parties will be a little different. At the end of each month at each of the 8 care points we will have a smaller party for each child who has had a birthday during that month. I am so thankful that next year we will be there again to celebrate their birthday. Their discipleship will continue, and so will our communication to them that they are so important to us and to the Lord Jesus. It’s truly an honor to be a part of this. Thank you so much, my support team,  for your love and support to me in allowing me to live out this calling on my life!